Thursday, September 2, 2010


         Photography captures what you see and most people enjoy photo editing their images to bring out more of an interest to the picture. Taking pictures you can save for memories mostly because they're special occasions or something you do not want to forget. What some people don't know though, is how to capture a good shot. Professional photographers know the how lighting must be in shots and how different angels brings different things out of the picture. For instance, the lighting on someones senior picture for example cant be too bright or dark to hide that person in a shade of black or white. You can't take just an ordinary picture either, and that's what editing does to a photo is make it stand out. Different camera's and different equipment besides just editing on a computer also helps that.
        How do professional photographers know how the perfect light hits someone, or what looks the best?
When your editing a picture, how do you know when its too much or too little besides common sense? How do professional photographers take pictures that actually have meaning?- not just pictures their being paid to take, but pictures with quotations and theme's. (like paintings and drawings)

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